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Intel 2.2 Dual Core, 2Gb DDR2 Memory, 160GB Harddrive, DVD-RW
Intel 2.2 Dual Core, 2Gb DDR2 Memory, 160GB Harddrive, DVD-RW
List Price: $2,199.00
Our Price: $1,550.00
You save $649.00!

Product Code: RIO2.0DC

- Intel 2.2 Dual Core CPU
- 2GB DDR-2 Memory
- Intel Mainboard MATX
- Black Case w/300Watt Power Supply
- 160GB Harddrive, IDE
- Keyboard and Mouse
- On-board 10/100 Intel Pro LAN
- Extreme Intel Graphics
- Dual Port Serial Card
- Logitech Digital Camera
- 425Watt Battery Backup
- 19'' Wide Screen Monitor w/Speakers
- Windows XP Pro
- Office 2007 Basic

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